Dial Testing/Real-Time Feedback

A unique research methodology

dial focus group moment-to-moment

Using wireless dials to collect data from qualified consumers is a terrific way to combine quantitative data collection with qualitative insight - in other words, "quali-quant". Participants instantly provide feedback to the material viewed and survey questions asked. The results are simultaneously transmitted to a central computer that aggregates and sorts the information according to desired criteria. This information is then instantaneously displayed on monitors to moderators and clients, who may use it to get a good picture of the results as the data collection is occurring in real-time.

Quali-quant dial sessions provide feedback and gather opinions through small handheld devices. Since all results are collected electronically, participants are not influenced by the opinions of others in the room. For example, during Presidential debates, CNN, FOX and MSNBC have used dials for testing moment-to-moment reaction among voters and provide their viewers with real-time line graphs and charts showing audience reactions.

Many different uses

dial testing percention analyzer Dial focus groups are used for TV, movie and other types of media audience research, as well as offering a range of market research applications. Jury research, with its need for second-by-second evaluation, often employs dial focus groups to refine their defense strategies.

At Gray Insight, we have used Perception Analyzer Dials to help decide:

  1. The style, design and packaging icons for the redesign of a technology product
  2. The preferred product concept and product formulation for a wide range of pet foods, including both dog and cat foods
  3. Reaction to advertising messages aimed at such diverse audience as seniors, prescription medicine buyers, side dish users and trade school student prospects

Contact us to discuss your project and we can advise you whether or not quali-quant dial research would work for you.

  Focus Groups/Interviews   Real-Life/Ethnography   Concept Testing/Evaluation   In-Home Use Testing/IHUTs
  Psychoanalytics   Market Segmentation   Dial Testing/Real-Time   Survey Design